Unbiased Reflection Get The Neutral View
When a company grows, so does its IT landscape. During the years companies add great IT systems to their technical environment. And at the time, each single addition makes (hopefully) perfect sense. However, IT systems evolve too and after some years, not every system which was a perfect fit some years ago, still adds to the overall value.

Also, over time, there is a growing need to have ‘IT-island-solutions’ talk to each other so the information ball is not dropped over and over again – resulting in error-prone (manual) data repetitions.

And finally, stakeholders in IT systems might not be longer with the company resulting in left-over IT solutions which no one knows what to do with or how to replace. In other scenarios, stakeholders are emotionally attached to ‘their’ systems, even if there are better, cheaper and more efficient new solutions around.

Bluetelligence IT-Landscaping picks up all the systems and their interaction. Based on your optimal business process, we then identify missing interfaces or outdated systems and, of course, present you with a future IT landscaping and a plan and budget on how to get there.

As we don’t have any ‘stakes’ in the existing IT landscape and since we are not restricted by any in-company-politics, we are able to provide you with an unbiased reflection and perfect solution tailor-made to your needs.

Professional Consulting
Business Analysis
Literally the ‘missing link’ between your business and the IT. Our in-depth knowledge of today’s programming languages combined with a great sense for business-needs helps us to provide the ‘translation level’ from the business requirements to the software development delivery.

Through interviews and feedback with the soon-to-be users, we gather all the ‘must-haves’ and ‘nice-to-have’ features and generate a functional specifications document with user interfaces mock-ups in a way your development teams understand.

Thanks to the clear communications between all involved parties, the success rate of ‘our’ projects is unparalleled.
Project Management
A good IT Project Management can make the difference between a successful and a failed project. Close communications with all stakeholders as well as managing project plans from milestones to single tasks is a must for today's project management.

We are professionals when it comes to either waterfall or rapid application developments and we know when to use them.

Our deep knowledge of the software life cycle helps us to bring your project to a full success, within the timelines, and within the budget.
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